............ November 18, 1980
My present outlook is without limitation, total freedom.Ultimately one must go beyond knowledge, but the knowledge must come, and knowledge cancome by constant meditation. By meditating, the knowledge "I Am" gradually settles down andmerges with universal knowledge, and thereby becomes totally free, like the sky, or space.Those who come here with the idea of getting knowledge, even spiritual knowledge, come hereas individuals aspiring to get something; that is the real difficulty. The seeker must disappear.When you know your real nature the knowledge "I Am" remains, but that knowledge isunlimited. It is not possible for you to acquire knowledge, you
knowledge. You are what youare seeking.Your true being exists prior to the arising of any concept. Can you, as an object, understandsomething that existed prior to the arising of a concept? In the absence of consciousness is there any proof of the existence of anything? Consciousness itself is mind, is thought, is all phenomena, allmanifestation. Apprehending this is being dead to "I am the body" while alive. This kind of knowledge comes only in a rare case, and is a very elusive kind of knowledge where no effort isnecessary; in fact, effort itself is a hindrance. It is intuitive understanding.
Then should all spiritual disciplines be dropped?
At the highest level this is so; at the earlier levels you have to do your homework.Those who are able intuitively to grasp this lose their interest in worldly affairs. Having lost it,what will they get? Whatever they have lost, they will have lost as an ordinary person, but whatthey get in return will be fit for a King. Those who have comprehended and who have reached acertain stage will not ask for anything, but everything will come to them spontaneously. There will be no wish for it; nevertheless, it will be there.This does not happen for an individual — it happens for the universal manifestation, or for theone who has become one with his true nature. For the jnani, only witnessing is taking place.
November 20, 1980
The principle which can know itself is in the organism. In a worm crawling, it is there, because the worm knows itself instinctively.By listening to my talks you will be transformed back to your original state, prior to your birth.Right now, in spite of your present life, it will happen. My present talk is quite different now, at ahigher level; therefore I do not invite anybody to listen to my present talks. I recommend thatnobody should come and listen because they will develop a dispassion for their family or daily life.Language energy and vital breath energy should merge and stabilize. Otherwise, if you allowthem to go outward, they will be dissipated.If you want peace, stabilize at that point where you started to be, stay put there. Om is theunstruck sound, the unpronounced word.You don't respond to my talks, you have not been able to perceive the nature of your consciousness. Consciousness is something like the drama of a play, play-acting. You areunsupported, you have no support at all. The birth, the parents, all this is illusion. Taking the bodyas oneself is the accident. If you don't cling to the body as your identity, everything is all right.When beingness forgets itself, that state is
This knowingness is not your truestate, it is the outcome of the food essence body, and you, the Absolute, are not that.
November 21, 1980
Whatever I had thought earlier has now changed. What is happening now is that even theslightest touch of individuality has completely disappeared, and it is consciousness as such which isspontaneously experiencing. The result is total freedom. All the time there was complete convictionthat it was consciousness which was experiencing; but that "I" which the consciousness wasexperiencing was there. Now that has totally disappeared; therefore, whatever happens in the fieldof consciousness, I, who am there before consciousness, am not concerned in any way. Theexperience is of consciousness experiencing itself. Nevertheless, understand what consciousness is, even if consciousness is not an individual. The basis and source of consciousness is in the material. What I say is still in the conceptual world, andyou need not accept it as truth. Nothing in the conceptual world is true.Once the disease was diagnosed, the very name of the disease started various thoughts andconcepts. Watching those thoughts and concepts I came to the conclusion that whatever ishappening is in the consciousness. I told the consciousness, "It is you who is suffering, not I." If consciousness wants to continue to suffer, let it remain in the body. If it wants to leave the body, letit. Either way, I am not concerned.All kinds of things were happening, thoughts and experiences, and they were credited to myaccount, but once I have seen what it is, all those account books have been burned and I no longer have any account.How amusing it is to see someone who thinks of himself as an individual, who thinks of himself as a doer or achiever. Whatever is happening, and the experiencing of the happening, takes place in this consciousness when the "I Am" arises.
November 24, 1980
If there is no difference between what is prior to birth and what is after death there isno difference, is there any reason for attempting to learn who we are now? Isn't it all the same?
The light coming from the sun and the sun itself -is there any difference?
The only difference is what happens in the middle?
Whatever happens between birth and death is also an expression of the consciousness only.Even in the realm of consciousness you pass the time entertaining various concepts; what else areyou doing?
Is Maharaj playing with various concepts?
No. It is the consciousness, it plays by itself.
Does Maharaj's consciousness play, even though he is detached from it?
Consciousness is not private property, it is universal.
Though we understand this, sometimes it seems confined to a body.
You are trying to understand with the intellect; just be. When I tell you that you are thatdynamic, manifest knowledge, you are everything. What else do you want?
I am aware that I came here because Maharaj gives me the mirror, but this time he is showing me that I am my own mirror.
That is why you should not stay for long.
After we leave here, what are we to do?
It is up to you. If you abide in consciousness everything will be happening spontaneously. If you are still at body-mind level, you will think that you are doing something. If you really abide inwhat I say, you become one with your Self. Then people will be serving you, they will fall at your feet. Whatever is necessary for you will happen. Activities are bound to happen. Consciousness cannever remain inactive, it will always be busy -that is its nature. When you come here, you havecertain expectations, certain aspirations, but after listening to my talks you lose all that.
Even when I have an intuitive understanding of this, what is this reluctance to give up all that I am not?
You have not stabilized firmly in that understanding. Your conviction should be such that noquestion at all should arise in future about that. For example, a person is dead and has beencremated, it is all over, is there any question about that? Like that, it will be all over.
What effort do I need to make toward that?
Effortlessly, just be.When the consciousness fully understands the consciousness, will it embrace the body asitself? It is in totality; it is not going to pick out a fragment of the manifestation and say," I am this."The consciousness expresses itself as does a light. This five elemental play is the manifestationof consciousness, the effulgence of consciousness only. The play of the five elements will finallymerge into the consciousness, because it is an outcome of the consciousness.
November 25, 1980
People come here and stay for days, weeks, even months. The first few days what theyhave heard takes root, and that is when they should leave, so that what has taken root will have timeto grow and blossom. As soon as the seed takes root, they must go. What has taken root must bloom, must express itself within each heart.
Maharaj has said, in this respect, that the teachings were his Gurus, but theunderstanding was his.
My Guru told me that consciousness alone is the Guru, all other developments sprouted withinme. The fruit should grow on your own plant. I should not sow my understandings in you.I have no use for traditions or traditional knowledge. If you do the slightest research ontradition you will see that it is all a concept. I am concerned with only one fact. Here I was in mywholeness, not even aware of my awareness, then suddenly this consciousness sprang up. How didit come about? That is the question which needs investigating.One must understand how clever this fraud of
is; first it shows us our body and makes us believe that we are the body, but the body is nothing but a speck of fertilized sperm, and in thatsperm the consciousness is latent. You see what a fraud it is?The essence of the body is the essence of the foodstuff, and this consciousness lies dormant init from the very beginning. In that state of consciousness is the entire universe. Having seen this,whoever has understood is bound to be quiet, knowing that this is only a transient happening. Anenormous structure of concepts being taught to us as knowledge is based on the simple appearanceof consciousness.
December 5, 1980
This sickness gave the confirmation that there is no personality, no individual. Sicknessto whom? Sickness is part of the functioning of the entire manifest, dynamic
it is the play of consciousness. My true state is prior to this consciousness. That state does not depend on theconsciousness.There is a couplet we sing at
Chakrapani. Chakrapani
means that "I Amness", thelife principle, the manifest principle. It is like this cigarette lighter. The gas as such has no light, butits manifestation is the flame; it is full of light, life, energy. Even in the atom and sub-atom, thatenergy is there.The functioning of consciousness takes place spontaneously, and one doesn't know what willhappen. For instance, I say something and M. will translate it one way, B. will translate it another,in whichever way they have understood it. This is the way the process will go on. This
is "like a flywheel," Lord Krishna said, "rotating all beings." That energy which moves all things inthe waking state is latent in deep sleep. How long is one unaware of awareness? One doesn't know, but suddenly consciousness arises. Does anyone think along these lines? Is it not amazing thatconsciousness, which might remain latent for any length of time, suddenly arises spontaneously?
Is universal consciousness ever aware of itself as universal consciousness, or does it become aware only when there is a form?
Awareness is not aware of its awareness. If you get too much involved in what I am saying youwill throw away the books you are writing, everything.
I will finish the books, then I am finished.
[To Jean Dunn] You have promised me that you will complete the books. Universalconsciousness will not write the books. How will you write the books?
It will happen spontaneously.
December 8, 1980
am talking about the consciousness which works through this body at the moment, butwhich is not visible. This consciousness is not limited to the body but is universal consciousness; Ican't speak of anything else now. A person who is already dead is not worried about anything.Whether the people like it or not doesn't matter. Perhaps you may be getting some blessings, some benefits, from listening to my talks, I don't know.All my actions are the actions of universal consciousness appearing to work through this body.I do not remember something from the past and then act; it is all action in the now.
Where does consciousness come from?
It never comes or goes, it just appears to have come.
Why does Maharaj know this and we do not?
It is not difficult for you to know also, but with what identity are you asking?
Is it karmic, can karma be changed?
It is all consciousness working, not this one or that one working; it is all consciousness.
Can Maharaj, out of compassion, give me a push into that state of universal consciousness?
Yes, of course, I can do that, but you must listen to me, you must have complete faith inwhatever I tell you about yourself, and you must behave accordingly.By nature I am non-manifest, yet I am manifested, but I am really not manifested. Can you livelike that, as the non-manifest?As long as the attribute is there, the quality of the attribute, the "I Am", is there; therefore, I canspeak like this. If it goes away, what happens? The sense of "I" has come and has gone, that is all, Iam not going to die. One who has rejected this identity will understand.
Maharaj said that he is not going to die?
How can one who is not born, die?When people first learned about this illness, those who have affection for me came to talk tome, or wrote to me, giving advice and medicine. Whatever is to happen will happen, I have nointerest. I don't have fear so I don't have to do anything. It is quite in order that those who haveaffection for me write and come to discuss things with me; I don't listen to them, and that is alsoquite in order, because I am not afraid of anything.You are asking, "Who am I?" and you are not going to get an answer, because the one who willget the answer is false. You may have an idea, a concept, and you will think you have foundyourself, but it is only a concept; you can never see your Self.
What is sat-chit-ananda?
It is words. You can take it that
is the limit which your mind can describe of that state which cannot be described. Your true state is non-manifest; the manifestation comes andthe words come. The one who experiences
is there before the experience.
December 15, 1980
Consider the status you have reached if you are able to understand what I say, and if youhave understood, there will be no status at all. Your worth cannot be measured. You have done allyour homework and now your
or spiritual practice is bearing fruit; now you are here. Let itgrow in you. You don't have to go to anybody else after you leave this place; that part of the work has already been done by you. Because you are worthy of that state of realization, you are heretoday.Get to know that "I Am" without words which arises in the morning. Knowing the Self, abidingin the Self-knowledge, is not a mere intellectual knowing. You must be that, and you should notmove away from it. Remain firm.Do not consult others about the advice I have given to them. Abide in what I have told onlyyou. Kill that curiosity to know what others are told; to each seeker the appropriate advice is given.Unless you abide in your own true nature you will not be able to gauge the depth of another'snature. When you try to understand others, the Self-effulgent nature of one's Self should open upcompletely. You will know yourself in the process. The knowledge being expounded here you willnot find in any books. Now, having given you so much, you may see me tomorrow or you may not,that is immaterial, but don't forget what I have told you about your Self.
December 18, 1980
This consciousness is like a screen, and I am the screen.
Understand what I say without concepts; you are adding new concepts. Now go to zeroconcepts. There are many spiritual seekers whose aim is to acquire sufficient merit to reach acertain place, such as Heaven or
I have had no aims except to find out. I was not awareof my awareness, and suddenly I became conscious that I am. Where and how did thisconsciousness arise on me? That was my enquiry, going back to that state when the presence of phenomena was not there. That is, original knowledge of the original Self. So, I went back, tracingthis original Self, and I reached a stage where I wanted to know what my state was before thisconsciousness arose. That is the destination which I have reached.
Brahman, Isvara,
God, all theseare names given to the consciousness when it is conscious of itself. If you have properly understoodthis knowledge, what will be your position at the moment of so-called death? It will be watchingwhat is happening. This consciousness gradually loses everything, and ultimately consciousness isno longer conscious of itself. That state cannot be described. It is called
the SupremeAbsolute, but that is only a name for communication purposes.This line of enquiry started when I noticed that from the moment one wakes up until one fallsasleep, one is very busy doing something or other. What is it that compels us to do these things?Because of what does this go on? Then I came to the conclusion that it is my beingness, the fact thatI am conscious of existing, which is working throughout the day. That was how my enquiry started.In the body the indwelling principle is the consciousness. Abiding in the consciousness, it became all manifestation. Now transcendence of the consciousness has also occurred. With theappearance of consciousness, the Absolute knows it is, "I Am". This is the experience. There areother experiences now, in this time factor, but experiences are gradually dropping off, including this primary experience "I Am". It is only the consciousness that is going to disappear, the Absolute isalways there.What a fall! The perfect state, caught up in these experiences, and trying to derive certain benefits out of the experiences.
Is it spontaneous?
Yes. Whatever experiences were happening in this field of knowingness, the Ultimate principlegot caught up in that. It accepted some experience as itself. Accepting experiences as the truth, itgets more and more involved.
December 22, 1980
Just now I was lying down in the waking state, but with no perceiving or receiving of any words, something like a prior-to-words state. Now the last traces of personality or individuality have left me. Last year I used to talk to people with a certain affection, but that is not available now. My dwelling place in the grosser world is gone now; presently it is in the subtler sphere, as in space.The effect of these talks is that you will stabilize in the very source from which the wordssprout. Abiding in the dynamic, manifest consciousness is abiding in the words of the Guru. Themeaning of the
I have given you is that you are the manifest, dynamic principle, not the body. When you abide in that, you become that.People think that they are coming here of their own volition, but it is the consciousness whichis bringing them here, because the consciousness wants this knowledge.My talks are addressed to the consciousness, "You have identified with the body, but you arenot the body." It is knowledge which must understand its own nature, and merge with theknowledge which is its source.People come here and ask for blessings; they don't understand that the knowledge that one isnot the body, but the consciousness within, is the blessing.
December 25, 1980
When we are busy with our worldly jobs, what should we keep in mind?
Because the "I Am" principle is there, it is moving all over. To recognize it, you put onvarious uniforms in order to give it an identity, but that principle is already there, and because of that principle you are engaging in various activities. Unless you wear the uniform (the body) youwill not be able to conduct any activities.This knowledge is meant for the
principle, which is presently caught up in the illusionthat it is the body-mind. You have accepted the identity of the uniform and that identity becomesyour ego.
is the manifest principle by which all activities are carried on. It has no form - the formsare given because of the five elemental play. Now, that principle gets completely lost in the uniformand is recognized by the uniform only. You have the fear of death because you fear losing your identity, the body.Since the uniform is available to you, by all means use it, but understand that you are not theuniform.
What does one do when the uniform gets troublesome?
Recede into your own Self, be one with your true Self.This "I Amness" enjoys various experiences. It becomes a beggar or a King.Is this body eternal? The body has been changing all during your life, which identity is you?
I identify myself with my body, I know that.
I do.
Give me a photograph of the meaning of that word "I". You can't. That principle has no name or form or shape. My firm conclusion is that whatever is done through the uniform is perishable, it isnot going to remain. Which uniform has any permanency? Once you know that you are not the formor the name of that uniform, it is all over. Suppose you have hoarded some thousand-rupee notesand suddenly the government order comes that they are all invalidated.Once you discard this "I Amness" uniform, what remains is the
That which iseternally current is the
Will Maharaj help me discard my uniform?
What is the need? It is not eternal, it never was.
We have not discarded ours, that is the problem.
Now, tell me, when the knowingness was not there, what experiences did you have? That littletouch of "I Amness" and you felt the existence of yourself and the world.
How to give up this knowingness?
Where is the need? If you accept that uniform as yourself, then the question of giving it up will be there. Give up your identity with the body, try to know yourself.It is merely knowingness, you cannot perceive that state. You come here because you areignorant, not because you are knowledgeable. This knowledge I give is only to remove ignorance.
December 26, 1980
Out of what is the body created?
It is an expression of consciousness.
Is this body not composed of the five elements? You know that you exist; does not thisknowledge depend on the five elements? The consciousness cannot be known without the body. Itdepends on the form.
Do you mean that without the body I do not know that I cm?
That is correct. From your own experience, not what you have heard or read, can you know thatyou exist without the body?
I exist without this body.
Forget about what you have read. When you did not have the experience of this body, did youhave the experience of being?
My English is not very good, I cannot express it, but I know "I Am."
Before you were born, could you have felt or sensed or known that you exist? A jnani is free because he sees that the body is made up of the five elements and it works according to the natureof these elements. I see that body, but I am not concerned with whatever that body does. Thereis nothing in it with which I can identify. The essence of the combination of the five elementsis the sense of being, of existing. It has all come simultaneously, I have no part in it. Feeling that Iam present depends on having a body; I am neither the body nor the conscious presence.In this body is the subtle principle "I Am"; that principle witnesses all this. You are not thewords. Words are the expression of space, they are not yours. Still further, you are not that "I Am".
What am "I" then?
Who is asking?
There is nothing here, no "I"?
Who is asking this?
There is a sense of something, I don't know what it is.
If you feel that sense of something, can it be the truth? When this consciousness goes intooblivion, who is to say what that state is?
I don't know.
Because your "I Amness" is not there, you do not know yourself. When you began knowing thatyou are, you did a lot of mischief, but when the "I Am" is not there, there is no question of mischief.
Is the "I Am" there all the time, as long as my body is there?
The "I Am" is absent only in the state of
when the self merges into the Self.Otherwise, it will be there. In the state of a realized person the "I Am" is there; he just doesn't givemuch importance to it. A jnani is not guided by a concept.
Do we have a relationship, Maharaj, when I think I should be here with you?
The very thought is the relationship.
The intensity of my longing to be here made me wonder if Maharaj thinks of his disciples?
I think of them more than you know.
December 30, 1980
think there should be beauty in the whole manifestation.
You should not get involved in what has appeared. Take a tree - the bark, the leaves, the blossoms, the fruit, all have a different nature. If you get involved in the appearance of these, youwill lose sight of the source, the tree.Intellectually, you have understood, but you have to be one with it, you have to identify withwhat you have understood. Understand that the seed of this body is the sperm of the father mixedwith the ovum of the mother. That is the seed for the manifestation of the phenomena, but I am notthe seed, I am not the phenomena, nor am I the consciousness which is time-bound.The names and forms which you see are consciousness only. Your consciousness is very pureand that's why you are able to judge. The
is colorless, but it is able to judge colors, etc.Your
is over; you have reached this place.This knowledge is for those who have no desires. The Self-knowledge is the most preciousknowledge.To you who search for the Self I explain this type of knowledge. I lead you to a state wherethere is no hunger, no desire, therefore I am not inclined to invite those who are worried about their possessions and their relations to listen to my talks.When you have knowledge you see that the consciousness "I" is all-pervasive, as long as theconsciousness is there; but the witness of the consciousness has no "I Am" and that is your true,eternal nature."I love" gives rise to great joy, and at the same time there is nothing so miserable as "I love".Giving up the body is a great festival for me.What is the worth of all the activities of human beings? It is all entertainment, just to pass time.You get pleasure only when you forget yourself; in deep sleep you have forgotten yourself, thatitself is joy.It is the
not the personality, that is drawn to spirituality.I will not expound knowledge in the future; a few words here and there will be all.
January 3, 1981
Beingness has the quality to become whatever you think of. Whatever concept you feedto the consciousness, the consciousness will provide you with that. Whatever you hold on tointensely, you are bound to be that, that is the quality of your consciousness. You should never think that you are the body.Consciousness is not the body. As a result of the body the beingness is felt, but beingness isall-pervasive.Consciousness alone feels the expanse of consciousness, but I, the Absolute, am not that.Whatever is known is known by consciousness, is in the field of consciousness. Theconsciousness and the knowledge will subside when the food body dies. The Absolute alwaysremains. The seed of knowledge is planted in you by these talks; now you have to follow it up. Youmust nurse it, ruminate over it, so that the tree of knowledge will grow.
January 4, 1981
I was pondering what Maharaj said about all consciousness being the same thismorning, and for just a few seconds, it was as if everything was one and I was behind it. Is this theaim?
That is not the aim, IT IS SO. It is there and it is only because of identity with the bodythat what is, doesn't seem as if it is.Please understand that there is only one thing to be understood, and that is that you are theformless, timeless unborn. It is because of your identification with the body as an entity that your consciousness, which is universal consciousness, thinks that it is dying. Nobody is dying, becausenobody was born.The millions of forms are the manifestation of consciousness. It is the millions of forms whichget created and destroyed, but universal consciousness itself is unborn and undying. Just imagine if all the millions of forms which have been created were still here - how could other forms becreated? It is because consciousness is unborn and undying that the millions of forms get createdand destroyed; it is a continuous process. Understand that what you are is this unlimited universalconsciousness. Only that in which consciousness manifests itself is limited and is created anddestroyed. The total potential of consciousness remains. It is unlimited.You are seeking knowledge from the standpoint of identification with the body and whatever can be grasped by the mind. When this body machine is there, the technique of using it is there, andthat is what you are identifying with now, but it is not your true identity. You have no control over it, it has appeared and it will disappear.I talk to you from the perspective of the universal consciousness and I know that all bodies arethe essence of food and that they will vanish.
Every time something happens now, instead of getting involved in it, I am seeing that everything is that "I Amness". I am experiencing that.
Witnessing takes place, there is nothing to be done. It is total freedom for one who doesnot identify with the body.
Everything is happening on its own and I have no concern with it.
If that is so, it means that you have understood everything and there is no need for you to linger here any longer.
[Another person]:
It is different for me. I have to make an effort not to get involved inthoughts when I meditate.
It is the nature of the life force to express itself through thoughts and words, so they will keepon coming. If you have to make an effort in the beginning not to get involved, make that effort untilit becomes effortless.
Does the jnani have a mind and thoughts also?
Although thoughts come and go, the jnani is not concerned. Thoughts will come inconsciousness; witnessing also takes place in consciousness. You must have the conviction that youare consciousness Thereafter there is nothing for you to do; leave it to the consciousness to do whatis to be done. Whatever happens, happens spontaneously.
Where is the seat of consciousness?
In every particle of the juice of the body. In the scriptural books it is normally given that thereare various
Those are available if you want to locate them like that, but according to me, itis throughout the body.
What is the difference between the body and consciousness?
What is the difference between sugar and sweetness? The sweetness is there in the sugar cane juice. In the body the sweetness is the knowledge you are, the consciousness. This knowingness isdue to what? What is the prerequisite for consciousness?
Is it the body?
The body is necessary to sustain consciousness; for the body to be, food is necessary, is it not?
If the body does not remain, consciousness will not remain. In the absence of body andconsciousness, what are you?
I don't know.
Now you want to get some benefit, some advantage, for yourself. To whom is the benefit?
If you are not the body or the consciousness, then what are you? When you realize the Self-knowledge, then the self is released, liberated.
Then what?
Then you know, definitely, who you are. That by which you know, you know that, also.
Is that liberation?
Liberation means what? It is no more there. [Flicking his cigarette lighter on and off] Thiscigarette lighter is the body; the consciousness is the flame. Now it isn't there anymore; it isliberated. Where is the need to label it in the absence of consciousness?
January 8, 1981
Outwardly you can imitate a jnani, but the jnani has no fear.
He is the Ultimate?
The Ultimate state is that state in which there is a total end to this body, name and form. Whenthere is no form, shape, color or name, who is there to ask anything?Whatever happens, you accept it based on your identity with the body, and the body is time- bound.
I have experienced that it is not being.
What do you understand by the experience? What is the significance of the experience?
It is not an experience of anybody.
Any experience occurs where there is a change. If there is no change, there can be noexperience.
It is not an experience, it is a state of being -non-being.
That which you say is and is not, is it according to words, or is it an experience? I will not playhide-and-seek with words. That which you are describing, is it an experience or just the words?It is likely that you have been influenced by what you have read and heard and therefore whatyou are saying is only what you have heard. Is that right, or is what you are saying a practicalexperience which you have had?
I said before, it is not anybody's experience.
First I thought I was the body, then I experienced that I was not the body but I was theconsciousness, then I got the experience that this consciousness is not really me, and there is noform, no individuality, no nothing. Is that your experience?
The experience is that there is no body, nothing, that I am and I am not.
What is it that is no longer there?
The consciousness of the body. Now there is no more center, thoughts don't come from thecenter as a body.
If thoughts don't come from your center as an individual body, then how do the thoughts come?Do you now identify yourself with the thoughts? Do you think the meaning of the thoughts and youare one and the same?
What has really transpired? What is the change?
The change is that the center in consciousness which was there is gone, the center "I Am" is gone.
Tell me something about that center.
First there was a center of identification in the body and now I don't feel that. Now there is noborderline, now there is no particular entity.
"I Am" means the knowledge you are.
That is now unlimited.
The knowledge "I Am" has no limitation at all?
That is right. Thank you. Now I must go.
When he talks, saying "I am doing this" or "I am doing that," what he means is, I am thatknowledge "I Am"; that is, consciousness. Because unless the consciousness is there, the body isnot. In deep sleep we are not aware of the body, we are aware of the body only when we are awakeand the consciousness is there. Therefore when I say this, I mean that it is this consciousness whichI am and not the body, which comes later.This sickness is an aspect of the consciousness and I am not the consciousness. I am not the "IAmness". Whatever sickness is there is in the domain of consciousness. With the aid of consciousness, sickness is being experienced. When I shall be totally in my Ultimate state, whenthis consciousness is finally extinguished, THAT is my total, perfect state.When will I have no experience of this illness? Just as the sun sets, only when thisconsciousness sets will there be perfect health or no experience of this sickness. So long as theconsciousness is there the sickness must be experienced. What is my pleasure or happiness? Nothing other than this knowledge "I Am", this consciousness.Your idea of knowledge is something you can catch hold of, something you can feel and putinto your pocket. This knowledge is not of that kind. When I know that I am knowledge itself, whatcan I hope to get?
January 9, 1981
What are thoughts?
They are the result of previous conditioning which the mind has had.
Are the thoughts of the jnani and the ignorant one different from one another?
The difference is that the jnani has divorced himself from the body-mind, the body-mindthoughts will come and go but the jnani is not concerned; whereas, the ignorant one gets involved inthose thoughts and the ignorant one considers himself as a name and a form.
Should I keep in mind constantly that I am consciousness only?
You are consciousness and consciousness is you and that's it; it is not necessary to always keepyour attention on that fact. When you know that this is your finger, is it necessary to constantlyrepeat that it is your finger? What is there to be done?
When an action must be done or a choice made, how should one make the choice?
Just understand that it is not your personal action or choice. Do not get involved as the doer.Why do you get involved in all these concepts? First find out what you consider yourself to be.Are you an entity? Get that problem solved instead of getting involved in all kinds of concepts.What are you? You cannot understand with your intellect, it is beyond the grasp of the intellect.
January 11, 1981
The spiritual experiences which I have, are they something which should not be there?What is it?
It is all entertainment. You are present here; is your body not the result of someone'sentertainment? So long as you know that the experiences are only appearances in consciousness, itis all right.Understanding is not a matter of time. If you really apperceive the truth, it is simple andquickly grasped.The conscious presence depends on the body, and the body is nothing but the sperm and ovum,so where is this "you?" This body is like an instrument that says, "I Am", like an announcer.Presently you think that you are the body-mind, and whatever concepts you have collected areflowing out. When you begin spirituality, you reject the body-mind with "I am not that." Then youcome to the "I Am" only, without words. Then you are everything, you are not confined to the body.Because of the instrument of the body, that feeling of consciousness is there and I, theAbsolute, am not that.Having stabilized in the consciousness, the next step is to be in a position to observe theconsciousness, and all the play that is happening in the consciousness, just to understand.Attachment to the body and to the consciousness is very strong, to get rid of it is very difficult.The birth principle, the chemical around which the body formation takes place, has no form or design and actually didn't exist. That non-existing thing suddenly came into existence. What is thevalidity of its existence? It is an apparition only, it can't be the truth. That's why I dare talk like this.This is a big hoax, a big fraud, created out of nothingness. Can you create something out of nothing?Whatever I said is securely planted in that birth principle of yours, you cannot extract it. In duecourse it will proliferate into knowledge.I don't want life, even for a moment, but in that momentary life there are so many lives.I am not afraid of death. With death the imperfection is removed. Consciousness, the stigma of imperfection is gone. What remains is total perfection.There is no guarantee that I will meet you tomorrow, but the reality is that there is noseparation at all between you and me, because we are one. Do not imagine any separation.
January 12, 1981
[Referring to his lighter] The flame will last as long as the fuel is there. Is there anyquestion of emancipation or awakening for that flame? The body and consciousness, which comeinto being because of the five elements, can there be any emancipation for them? The One who is prior to the appearance of the elements is always there.What you are doing is using your mind and intellect, but what I say is not based on theintellect, but rather on whatever comes up spontaneously in consciousness. You try to fix thatknowledge which springs spontaneously from consciousness into the structure of concepts you have built out of the mind and intellect. This can never happen.
Why do I feel such satisfaction here in Maharaj's presence?
Because that need which arises in consciousness and brings you here is satisfied.Some people come here for knowledge. I talk because the words naturally come out. There isno intention behind my talks that you should get knowledge. Others come here because they are indifficulties. I make no determination that those difficulties should go away, but the fact remains thatin many cases they do go away. I merely sit here, people come and go, I am not concerned. Theycome here from long distances because the consciousness feels the need to come here. Theindividual doesn't come here because of an intellectual decision to come here. Consciousness takeshim by the ear and brings him here. My next-door neighbors don't come but people from all cornersof the world come here with a sense of urgency. Why?
The first time I came here, Maharaj told me that my "I Amness" was a food product, and that Lord Krishna's consciousness was the same as a donkey's consciousness. I tried to get a reservationout of Bombay that day, but I couldn't get one for a week, and I had to stay.
Many talented and well-known people have come here, but they come with great humility. Isthere anyone of them who has knowledge about himself?
I am practicing nama-japa, is that all right?
Recite the sacred name, that is all right, but the important thing is to recognize and understandwhat is the presiding principle by which you know you are and by which you perceive everythingelse. You must look at yourself, get to know yourself. The riddle of spirituality cannot be solved byyour intellect. At the most, your intellect can provide you with livelihood.Whatever you try to become, that is not you. Before the words come out, before you say "IAm", that is you. You must be concerned only with yourself. Don't worry about anybody else. Whatare you? .......................