Ê âîïðîñàì î ñàìîðåàëèçàöèè


Ôîðóì ïåðååõàë ----> http://selfrealization.info

Èíôîðìàöèÿ î ïîëüçîâàòåëå

Ïðèâåò, Ãîñòü! Âîéäèòå èëè çàðåãèñòðèðóéòåñü.

Âû çäåñü » Ê âîïðîñàì î ñàìîðåàëèçàöèè » Òåêñòû è âèäåî íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå » English texts. (òî, ÷åãî íåò â ïåðåâîäå íà ðóññêèé)

English texts. (òî, ÷åãî íåò â ïåðåâîäå íà ðóññêèé)

Ñîîáùåíèé 11 ñòðàíèöà 20 èç 79



Have a closer look into 'things'.

Check out the Urban Guru Cafe if you have not already done so. - Click HERE.


Hi Gilbert,

I see that the one being driven on is just a concept being driven on by another concept in the mind. - Meanwhile there is a constant seeing observing the process. - Every time I focus on the I-thought there is a changing of the point of view from which the observing is done. - Is there really a "point" of view at all? Whatever "I" do, the seeing seems to be happening from a "point" "behind" "me". - Almost in the same way that one can´t see one´s own head.

Although I understand all this on some level the sense of "I" is still very strong. - There is still this powerful urge to DO something to travel further along the "path", to move closer to the "goal". Will this urge ever lose its´power?

These insights seem very intellectual to me and has not really changed anything in my life. But maybe that´s all more of the same "seeking-business" that the "I" loves so dearly. - How can I quit it?

I feel really tired sometimes and just want to drop this whole thing.

Once again thank you for taking the time.

Best regards J in Europe


It will drop off by itself.
The intellect has NO power at all. - The believed in 'entity' is a fabrication - there never was a 'you' that 'did' anything. - The 'thinker' - the 'doer' - the 'believer' are all thought based - appearances in/on awareness.
Only belief makes it all seem real.
Is there an 'I' if you don't think about it?
That 'idea' of being 'someone' is just another idea, yet it has been believed in for 'so long'.
So-called society has this core belief of their being 'individuals' and so a lot of 'feedback' supports that idea - it is all dream like and it cannot 'stand alone' in the light of SEEING.

It is seen through.

Even though it is radical to point it out, 'Society' is just another idea.

Society is a concept about multiplicity - separate individuals in groups etc.

What we are talking about is Non Duality. - There is NO duality in Non Duality.

Everything appears as seemingly separate things within the WHOLE.

Everything MOVES upon emptiness.
The reference points 'of view' appear' and disappear, they are replaced constantly.
The SEEING does not need a reference point, the 'mind' does - that is what mind is - reference points.
That is what mind is - reference points in a spacious (no) thing we call or name as 'mind', which is actually awareness - the idea that there is such a thing as mind, is merely another idea and ALL ideas appear and disappear in or ON Awareness.

You are that which never changes - that is so obvious, yet for the mind it is far too subtle - it can only 'know' what it has named - that 'knowing' is fabricated knowing and is ALL from the 'past', even though there is no past as such.
Impressions register ON awareness and then they are translated by the acquired mind - and that is what is believed in - the translation - and the direct and immediate SEEING is only SEEMINGLY obscured.

Look closely and SEE that it is all 'an appearance' - all appearing in what you ARE.
What you ARE is 'space-like' - emptiness which is the KNOWING of every movement and every appearance.
Your account shows that there is indeed this experienc-ING of THAT (what I describe).
The experiencing is not creating a 'you' - an experienc-er - or any experiences.

The ACTUALITY is only this immediacy - it does not change - and there is no room or time for any entity to take form in THIS actuality.

This is extremely subtle and yet it is totally available to KNOW this - putting concepts upon it is where the deviations of mind come into the picture.

It may seem like a razors edge. - Yet what you truly are has never existed anywhere other than AS this immediacy. - No one ever enters the now - nor leaves it.

THIS direct and immediate experienc-ing is all there ever IS.

Stay 'with it' and SEE the truth of what I am saying - KNOW that this space-like awareness has no boundary and NO center.
That is the decisive experiencing - AND the KNOWING of that, without 'having to become' a FORM (habit of 'ME') is what they call the Great Perfection - Non Conceptual Awareness.
No One can claim it - those who attempt to claim or brag about owning it are just insubstantial appearances - dream like notions and should be ignored.

"Let no man come between you and your God" - The Bible

Drop the (you) me concept and drop the God concept and just BE.

Just SEE - be the SEEING only.

The whole matrix will slip and slide, undo itself and in witnessing, even the slightest undoing of it will be significant - yet you must remain as the undisturbed witness - then the witness will also dissolve before your open view - a boundless view with NO point of reference.
It is impossible to describe, yet I have describe it quite well, at least for those who have tasted this freedom.
For the others, they cling to their beliefs like a child to a security blanket.

What can be done?

By whom?

There is no problem - that is not an idea or a concept.

Those who insist that there is a problem are the maintainers of the belief in the problem.
'Who' has a problem?

Conflict starts in the mind and energized by belief - it appears as a perpetuating mechanism which may lead to a bloody mess or not.

And YET all such appearances (beliefs) actually disappear by themselves if they are left alone - and they do.

Strange and wondrous.
The point is that psychological suffering is not necessary.

Warm regards - Gilbert.

Mike writes:

Are you aware while asleep? - Or do you require the mind-body to be aware? The only experience we seem to have is through this mind-body. - To speak, or think of a deeper awareness is difficult for me. - If I am what all this appears on, then it makes sense that "I" should be able to automatically know that (I want to say "experience", but I know there's no-one who experiences). - It all sounds so simple, yet even when I think of nothing and just know "I am", well there's just no great truth revealed to me, or I don't get the "a ha" moment. - Do you know what I'm trying to say?

Thanks, - Mike


Awareness is non dual - it is timeless. It does not sleep.
The sleep state appears in it - for the body to regenerate - it is nature.
The IDEA of being someone disappears in sleep.
Awareness is PRESENCE - how can it leave?
There is an idea that the experiencing is because of, and THROUGH, the body.
The body and the content of mind are appearances and are obviously KNOWN from beyond them.
That is the significant factor.

As long as there is a belief in the transitory reference points of view that appear in the mind, then it will remain a mystery.
One must witness the mechanics of the mind clearly.
There are long standing habits, some appear to be very subtle.
It is as though one must catch them, see them and witness them disappearing.
In that experiencing, there is a FACT - that fact is that I remain and what I thought I was has disappeared.
That KNOWING is what can be called a 'decisive experiencing'.

It is first hand information that cannot be given by another - or read about or passed on by some guru or teacher.
First hand, immediate Knowing - not a concept, idea or image.
The problem is all seekers have so many concepts to play with and they play endlessly with them - and they IGNORE what is so obvious - the fact of their own being - the natural 'state' which is wordless, thoughtless.

How can anyone convince you of this?

You must look closely yourself.

The essence of this investigation is NOT seeking - it is SEEING.
Arrogance of believing that I am 'someone' - someone special is the problem.
That is why so many gurus and teachers are 'bad news' - because of their own ignorance they display that 'special-ness' as if it were the prize that everyone is looking for. - That is the irony of the trap of seeking.
Be cautious of who you take on as a teacher.
A teacher worth his salt will not keep you bound - his job is to set you free as soon as possible.

Warm regards - G.



Can THIS immediate presence be postponed?

Regular Notes:

Email: Hey Gilbert.
I just finished the e-book of yours,"Everything is clear and obvious"....Wow! - I don't know but, well, after that, there is no need to read anything. - I have never read a text before where IT is possible to happen.

There appears that there is a 'reason' why non-duality will never be popular. - It's because it leaves you with nothing, and now....who wants that?

Well, Osho once said that you have got to put some sugar on the truth , otherwise nobody will take it.

Anyway, thank you for the e-book. - I am going to read it forever. - I am 'behind' the lines.- regards Roshi


Hi Roshi, The e-book is clear and precise with NO sugar. - One could say that that is intentional, even though I do know that if I added some sugar it would be a lot more popular - but my 'privacy' would then be crowded by seekers wanting more and more sugar. - It is interesting to note that Osho had hundreds and hundreds of followers around him constantly, yet few ever got to speak with him 'one to one'.

Osho put lots of sugar on the truth - he was seductive a story teller - a very popular one - popular because of his charisma, the sugar and his ability to entertain and make seekers swoon in a 'temporary' blissful state. - The seduction and the devotional aspect is so sticky and binding for the mind and 'heart'....and 'ego' sense.

Charismatic teachers seem to collect seekers, not set them free. - Only a clear teacher has freedom to move about without being surrounded by seekers, decade after decade. - How this situation is mistaken for a way to freedom is mystifying. - When speaking with such devotees, it is obvious how fragile their beliefs are and how the truth is avoided at all costs.

Osho collected many stories from many traditions and was also an accomplished student of philosophy etc. - He had a bright intellect, that is for certain.

My comments may offend a few, (nothing new in that) and the fact that the 'thing' that is offended is actually the obstacle that keeps them bound - that 'factor' is the thing that needs to be investigated. - Old ideas and old attachments are stale - they keep one from SEEING what is immediately obvious.

I have enjoyed some of his writings many years ago – today I see that he is very clear at times and at other times his words are expressing confusion and so they are merely entertainment for the mind. - So many of his devotees are still wandering about seeking without finding. - I know of none that ever went beyond seeking.

There is ONLY this moment of KNOWING - and even the notion that there is a 'moment' is just another concept, an 'appearance' IN this 'knowing' that I AM – The truth is that I AM THIS unchanging presence.

The unfolding patterns of life do not stop - the emptiness is full and IT over flows and appears as THIS immediate LIFE and what you ARE is the KNOWING of it – so you are prior to all appearances.

Yes, you are behind it all - beyond it all - but there is nothing you can say about it in objective terms - all expressions are spilling out of that space of knowing - you are THAT.

In listening to your own voice, can you find where the words are arising from?

Please feel free to write whenever you wish.

Warm regards - Gilbert.

P.S. The e-book mentioned is download-able from the main website - top right hand side of screen. http://nondualitynotes.blogspot.com/200 … ce-be.html

Second email from Roshi:

Hi Gilbert!
I have a question about the statement Bob says: “Start with the fact that you are that”.
But how can you start with "that" if you don't Know (aware of) That? - If you are you are already there?

That statement has a tremendous importance for me, it's a way to go around the concept of me - may be!



Yes. - It is a tremendously pertinent statement - the same as "I AM THAT".
The simple fact is that what you truly ARE does not have to go around the concept of ME.
NO STEP needs to be taken in any direction - all 'directions' are only conceptual and all lead AWAY from THIS fact of BEING.
YOU are present and aware! - Or more correctly expressed - There is PRESENCE 'before' any thought arises.
(Also- During the thoughts appearance and after its disappearance) - that is SO because presence is timeless - appearances are transient.

Some of my associates in this Non Duality 'thing' get hooked on specific details, like the difference between Consciousness and consciousness (Big C, little c).

All that stuff is just not necessary.....and it is conceptual. - There is no having to "first see this before you can see that". - Pure SEEING is happening 'before' the mind realm kicks in, with all its conceptual stuff. - KNOWING that fact is so immediate and so obvious - but no spiritual empire can be built upon what is TRUE.

All spiritual empires and reputations are built upon conceptual differences and preferences etc.
All such 'things' are transient! - There are NO exceptions whatsoever - no matter what ANYBODY says!!!

What you truly ARE cannot be a transient appearance - a thought, an image or concept, mood, state or whatever.
It is so Clear and Obvious, no one sees it - because they approach it from a place of ignorance - as a conceptual form, ME, and that is NOT the living presence - not the real, not the I am-ness (presence).

So to start from the fact that you are THAT is simple - drop all conceptual frameworks and just BE - SEE and KNOW – Know-ING THIS presence without boundaries, without conceptual prerequisites – IS not through the mind – it is before what the mind translates it as.

It is so simple, everyone misses it - because they are believing that they are a 'person' and that person is trying to become 'something' - something that they are not and can never be - they have an idea of what it is they want to become.
It is an IDEA only.

Use your own innate discrimination - whatever resonates in the 'heart' - in the being, that is usually true.
What resonates in the intellect, or resonates with the imaginary spiritual self-image or only in the head, is usually just dream-like, unreal.

Nisargadatta says - "Stop pretending to be what you are NOT and don't refuse to Be what you ARE".

There is no point in getting hung up on any words and their meaning.
Sacred and profane are equal at the so-called 'point' of their arising.

That 'point' is empty space - there is no 'person' there - just pure knowing.
At the heart of every expression is the Non Dual 'state' of being and non being.
Every expression is THAT no matter 'who' expresses it.

There in that appearance, it also appears that some point 'away' from the heart of it all and others point straight back at it.
The 'judge', the 'judgement', the 'jury' and the 'sentence', is all 'of the mind'.

NO Separation! You ARE That.

Can THIS immediate presence be postponed?

If you have not done it already then check this out - click here. - The Urban Guru Cafe - a podcast 'radio' style program packed with 'direct pointers'.

There are many website on Non Duality but few that I feel an inclination to recommend. - There is a list of recommended ones on my Links Page on the main website. - One highly recommended site is Bob Adamson's site. - Another is Randall's site.

Randall is a young fella who 'fell out of the mind's trap' - He is 'on the ball' and is clearly expressing things well - check it out he has some 'new tech' stuff happening also. - Click here to visit his blog.

Regular Notes:

Email: Hey Gilbert.

I just finished the e-book of yours,"Everything is clear and obvious"....Wow! - I don't know but, well, after that, there is no need to read anything. - I have never read a text before where IT is possible to happen.

There appears that there is a 'reason' why non-duality will never be popular. - It's because it leaves you with nothing, and now....who wants that?

Well, Osho once said that you have got to put some sugar on the truth , otherwise nobody will take it.

Anyway, thank you for the e-book. - I am going to read it forever. - I am 'behind' the lines.- regards Roshi


Hi Roshi, The e-book is clear and precise with NO sugar. - One could say that that is intentional, even though I do know that if I added some sugar it would be a lot more popular - but my 'privacy' would then be crowded by seekers wanting more and more sugar. - It is interesting to note that Osho had hundreds and hundreds of followers around him constantly, yet few ever got to speak with him 'one to one'.

Osho put lots of sugar on the truth - he was seductive a story teller - a very popular one - popular because of his charisma, the sugar and his ability to entertain and make seekers swoon in a 'temporary' blissful state. - The seduction and the devotional aspect is so sticky and binding for the mind and 'heart'....and 'ego' sense.

Charismatic teachers seem to collect seekers, not set them free. - Only a clear teacher has freedom to move about without being surrounded by seekers, decade after decade. - How this situation is mistaken for a way to freedom is mystifying. - When speaking with such devotees, it is obvious how fragile their beliefs are and how the truth is avoided at all costs.

Osho collected many stories from many traditions and was also an accomplished student of philosophy etc. - He had a bright intellect, that is for certain.

My comments may offend a few, (nothing new in that) and the fact that the 'thing' that is offended is actually the obstacle that keeps them bound - that 'factor' is the thing that needs to be investigated. - Old ideas and old attachments are stale - they keep one from SEEING what is immediately obvious.

I have enjoyed some of his writings many years ago – today I see that he is very clear at times and at other times his words are expressing confusion and so they are merely entertainment for the mind. - So many of his devotees are still wandering about seeking without finding. - I know of none that ever went beyond seeking.

There is ONLY this moment of KNOWING - and even the notion that there is a 'moment' is just another concept, an 'appearance' IN this 'knowing' that I AM – The truth is that I AM THIS unchanging presence.

The unfolding patterns of life do not stop - the emptiness is full and IT over flows and appears as THIS immediate LIFE and what you ARE is the KNOWING of it – so you are prior to all appearances.
Yes, you are behind it all - beyond it all - but there is nothing you can say about it in objective terms - all expressions are spilling out of that space of knowing - you are THAT.

In listening to your own voice, can you find where the words are arising from?

Please feel free to write whenever you wish.

Warm regards - Gilbert.

P.S. The e-book mentioned is download-able from the main website - top right hand side of screen.

Second email from Roshi:

Hi Gilbert!
I have a question about the statement Bob says: “Start with the fact that you are that”.
But how can you start with "that" if you don't Know (aware of) That? - If you are you are already there?

That statement has a tremendous importance for me, it's a way to go around the concept of me - may be!



Yes. - It is a tremendously pertinent statement - the same as "I AM THAT".
The simple fact is that what you truly ARE does not have to go around the concept of ME.
NO STEP needs to be taken in any direction - all 'directions' are only conceptual and all lead AWAY from THIS fact of BEING.
YOU are present and aware! - Or more correctly expressed - There is PRESENCE 'before' any thought arises.
(Also- During the thoughts appearance and after its disappearance) - that is SO because presence is timeless - appearances are transient.

Some of my associates in this Non Duality 'thing' get hooked on specific details, like the difference between Consciousness and consciousness (Big C, little c).

All that stuff is just not necessary.....and it is conceptual. - There is no having to "first see this before you can see that". - Pure SEEING is happening 'before' the mind realm kicks in, with all its conceptual stuff. - KNOWING that fact is so immediate and so obvious - but no spiritual empire can be built upon what is TRUE.

All spiritual empires and reputations are built upon conceptual differences and preferences etc.
All such 'things' are transient! - There are NO exceptions whatsoever - no matter what ANYBODY says!!!
What you truly ARE cannot be a transient appearance - a thought, an image or concept, mood, state or whatever.
It is so Clear and Obvious, no one sees it - because they approach it from a place of ignorance - as a conceptual form, ME, and that is NOT the living presence - not the real, not the I am-ness (presence).

So to start from the fact that you are THAT is simple - drop all conceptual frameworks and just BE - SEE and KNOW – Know-ING THIS presence without boundaries, without conceptual prerequisites – IS not through the mind – it is before what the mind translates it as.

It is so simple, everyone misses it - because they are believing that they are a 'person' and that person is trying to become 'something' - something that they are not and can never be - they have an idea of what it is they want to become.
It is an IDEA only.

Use your own innate discrimination - whatever resonates in the 'heart' - in the being, that is usually true.
What resonates in the intellect, or resonates with the imaginary spiritual self-image or only in the head, is usually just dream-like, unreal.

Nisargadatta says - "Stop pretending to be what you are NOT and don't refuse to Be what you ARE".

There is no point in getting hung up on any words and their meaning.
Sacred and profane are equal at the so-called 'point' of their arising.

That 'point' is empty space - there is no 'person' there - just pure knowing.
At the heart of every expression is the Non Dual 'state' of being and non being.
Every expression is THAT no matter 'who' expresses it.

There in that appearance, it also appears that some point 'away' from the heart of it all and others point straight back at it.
The 'judge', the 'judgement', the 'jury' and the 'sentence', is all 'of the mind'.

The false cannot stand up to the investigation.


Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj

Quote: - "Duality is due to two 'entities' - the 'seer' and the 'seen'."


THIS immediate presence is all there is - it cannot be postponed or escaped from, except seemingly in the mind-scape of duality.
Where are you seeing from?
Is that 'place' not clear and empty?
Is there any duality in it?

It, that space-like awareness is where the thinker appears and disappears.
The seeing, the knowing is non dual - it knows itself.
The so-called 'mind' cannot recognize its birthplace - its own origin - it can only label it with learned words and ideas.
- Gilbert.

An email received:

Hi Gilbert,

I must first inform you how much I enjoyed the podcasts which were recently posted on the Urban Guru Cafe. - Absolutely brilliant and lucid pointers! - Please thank the producers for this invaluable help.

I am at a seemingly frustrating junction (for a lack of a better word) on this pathless path. I've read everything that I've been able to get my hands on in English (Ramana, Nisargadatta, Bob, your works) and it has been extraordinarily helpful. - But, I've reached a point to where I've realized that all reading is fruitless. - I don't care to read anymore (or for much of any book for that matter). - I might read a paragraph here and there from time to time, but I fully understand that I won't "get it" from reading, nor will I if I meditate, chant or any other practice.

There is nothing to be said, there is nothing to be done for realization, this is certain. From this conclusion, - I've been going about my role in life and "playing the part" in the comedy lovingly, doing what's needed of the moment without regard to the results - living quite peacefully and happily. - The call home is very strong, but living in this manner is postponing the HERE and NOW.

Recently, I have been brutally honest in my self-inquiry; mindful of all thoughts and actions.- I am starting to notice more periods of clarity - moments that don't have labels or feelings.- It is much like being an invisible video camera.

Self-inquiry is mentioned by many to be one of the most direct paths to realization because it points to correct understanding. - This method seems to be the most effective for me - but this seems like it is becoming another practice, like meditation, where I devote hours of time and postpones the NOW. - Intellectually, I understand that if I truly want it NOW it will reveal itself in THIS MOMENT.

Could you please help clarify this issue?

Jason Chicago, USA


When we say that we intellectually understand something it is highly misleading for ourselves and everyone else. - What can be recognized is that this clear presence of knowing, which is 'understanding' is 'a-priori' - BEFORE the intellect (comes into play). - The intellect is 'of the mind' (process) and understanding (how it is known here) is an aspect of awareness – awareness is non-dual and mind is dualistic.

This discrimination between awareness and what we call ‘mind’ (thought, image, concept and ideas etc) is necessary.

Self-realization has been made into a BIG DEAL and that in itself ‘creates’ a problem that cannot be solved (for the mind).

This so-called 'moment' THIS moment right now is self-realization just AS IT IS.

How could it not be? - and for whom is it not self realization?
The whole universe in this instant - THIS INSTANT is that movement of self-awareness - it is self-aware - there is no other awareness!

There is a long standing habit , which is 'going back' (so-called going back) to 'when' the mind first took on a belief that 'I am not that' - separation - me and not me.

THAT moment is truly THIS moment (No time-No separation - One presence) and so in THIS moment one can be free of that habit (or any habit) just by SEEING what the mind does and knowing that what you truly are not that habitual activity. -Anything seen is an appearance IN or ON awareness. - You are awareness - there is nothing else.

If you let the mind rest on nothing at all - in BEING the SEEING and nothing other than THAT immediate function-ING (seeing), then everything is recognized to be an appearance - EVERYTHING, thoughts, states, the body, the world and the universe all APPEAR in that KNOWING space.

We have simply ignored the obvious and have 'gone' with the thoughts, believing that they are real.
What is REAL is unchanging and it is empty of all qualities except for that KNOWING.

So, even though individuals attempt to be self realized, that is impossible because it can only be relative and so it is limited.
The one who has realized THIS - that sense of individuality has almost totally dissolved into the KNOWING and never returns as a believed in 'entity' and yet the body and mind continue as the functioning expression of THAT self-realizing ONE. The realization is that I AM THAT - that ONE without a second.

Radical, in the terms of worldly things, and yet it is the only true nature there is.

The individual, trying to 'do' something in order to 'gain' liberation, is a trap and it is something that can never bring the result desired. - The FORM can never become the FORMLESS. - It can only ever APPEAR and DISAPPEAR. - This can be seen very easily in the nature of things. - Have a look.

(Those who pretend to be individuals that have been liberated through some 'action' are fools - even though they may be highly regarded by other fools and held up as great teachers etc. - They may 'know the spiritual teaching inside out' and yet they 'teach' only their own arrogance - ignorance and so no one really finds freedom with these teachers - all they can do is pretend to have found it - just like their teacher. - These short stories I tell about ignorant gurus are not necessary! - so forget them.

The ONLY way out of the messy business of seeking is in NO MIND.
Gurus usually feed the seeker with endless concepts and that is slavery to concepts.
It is never ending.

Meditation is useless because it takes on a mechanical nature very quickly and it nearly always includes a fixation, an idea of a meditator and then lots of concepts are added onto that 'me'.
Just SEE that the living intelligence that you ARE is the very thing that imparts meaning to all that you read, see or hear.
The stress of seeking dissolves naturally as this SEEING recognizes itself as beyond everything.
This 'knowledge' is not popular simply because it dissolves the habitual grasping identity.

How many can bare that?

Everyone has the possibility if only they hear the clear message because that resonation uncovers the courage to be what one is.

Stay with what resonates with you - in this presence of being aware just relax into an open view. - Drop all concepts and just be.

Do this as often as possible and everything will reveal itself.
As soon as there is any sense of grasping that subtle resonation will appear to disappear.
Some say that one must be earnest and it does appear that way in many cases.
When the mind is one pointed, many distractions will naturally stay away.

Make a space in your life for this - it is the only purpose there is - not a 'purpose' for someone or some-thing - it is simply a space in which one can recognize what is real in yourself. - Once discovered, you will not be able to name it or describe it - but that KNOWING is unmistakable.

Warm regards - Gilbert.



No point of view is it.

Who is going to rob you of your sacred beliefs and the comfort they give to you?
Someone that is pushing their point of view onto you? - You must think like me and do as I do, etc.
If your beliefs have any truth in them, they are invincible and are not beliefs at all - they must be facts.
Everyone would agree that the sunset last night at such and such a time.

Now we all have seen many sunrises and a sunsets. - Always different and usually beautiful, depending on the pollution in that view. - No one would argue that the sun rises and sets – for them.

Now, lets take another look at that so called fact of the sun rising or setting - If you were able to move at the speed of the sun-rising – it would be seen that the sun is always rising, all the time, every moment. – In that same moment it is also setting on the other side of the planet. – It is the midnight hour right now, whatever time you think it is - and it is also the midday hour right now somewhere - every moment of every so-called day.

The shadow of the Earth does no move as the Earth rotates in its coolness.

What is the difference between a thousand years ago and yesterday?

The only difference would appear to be, that yesterday has memories attached to it.

Ten thousand years ago is just hearsay and relics.

Everything can only appear now, including all memories and the relics also only appear in THIS moment of cognition. - What else is there? - Imagination? - Where does that appear? - Now and nowhere else - if it appears at all.

We call this moment NOW. - It is a serviceable notion and a word. - What does it describe exactly? - How can you define 'now'? - How can you define consciousness or awareness?

Same equation - no description can be adequate. - It remains inexplicable.

It is simpler to call 'now' presence. – No matter what we call it – a name is a name and it always falls short of what it describes. – The word is not the actual – just as belief is not the actual. - The word 'word' is a word that names itself and that is just a word - four letters. - Dog chasing tail. - What is achieved? - 10 years meditating - what is achieved?

The heart essence of all religions is the same. – What the heart of each teaching is pointing to is THAT – which is THIS moment of awareness – not the conditioned mind of belief and prejudice etc.

THIS moment is clear and obvious. – The mind is clear and empty.

Knowing just these simple things is enough to penetrate through all beliefs and cast aside the bondage of self. – Yet ‘people’ want to be convinced.

All the best anyone can ‘do’ is point at THAT. – The sum total of every expression about THAT, including all times ‘past’, all the words of every great teacher and every sacred text, none of it is equal to the clear empty space of know-ING that you ARE!!! - you ARE!!! - What 'time' is there in that simple being-ness? - Is there any duration in it? - Did it ever start or stop?

Is there any doubt in that simple presence?

It is NOT about the mind....never was!

Whether your 'mind' knows that or not does not make a scrap of difference.

All the fuss about this teaching and that teaching – this one says this and that ones says that – it is all of no substance apart from whatever YOU give to it in the moment.

Whatever importance you give such things does not compound into anything with any lasting qualities – unless YOU give some substance to it in the moment.

Why give support to erroneous beliefs? - Why not stay with the facts?

Now this YOU I am speaking about is not what we think it is. - That YOU I am speaking about is the essence of what you are. – You can never know it as an objective ‘thing’. – The KNOWING of all things is by that essence that you are. - That alone is reality - and reality is not a belief.

As the saying goes: Know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Belief only binds the mind.

Your nature is KNOWING and this you KNOW - but the mind may tell you otherwise.

Awareness is KNOWING and nothing more.

KNOWING and SEEING are just words for it – THAT is another word for it.

To call it IT is also misleading but all we have is language and symbols etc.

A good friend of mind says “When I enter that ‘no-think’ space……etc”

It is a quaint way of expressing something that is difficult to express in words.

It is all so very simple and yet seemingly so difficult to grasp. - For the mind it remains un-graspable and intellectuals find that way to much to accept.

Of course there is no one that can ‘enter’ into a space of no thought. – Thought simply vanishes and they are not replaced immediately as is usual.

I would say it is like this: - The realization is, or it is simply noticed, that there is emptiness and presence abiding now. – The mind labels it and then goes quiet again.- Unless conceptualizing kicks in. – That ‘no-think space’ is sometimes called non-conceptual awareness. - THAT is what the Dzogchen ‘masters’ called “The Great Perfection”.

THAT pristinely clear (what I call) space of knowing is not owned by anyone – it can never be owned by anyone nor acquired by any practitioner.

Everything and everyone ‘appears’ in THAT.

What appears in THAT must also be THAT also.

Where does that leave you and what sense is there to any search?

Stop ignoring the obvious.



Awareness is Non Dual - Mind is the transient content of awareness.

Bob's new book is about to go up on the site for ordering.

It is called "One Essence appearing as Everything". - It is a potent book and will prove to be quite popular once word gets out about it.

Some requests for more notes came in. - What has not been said already? - How many times is it necessary to hear or read this stuff. - I am quite amazed at how the expressions keep spilling out here. - There appear to be so many ways to 'point' at IT. - It is extremely simple and yet that is why it is so difficult to see - it fact it cannot be seen and there is no seer to see it. - It is that which is seeing. - Knowing that, then all one needs to do is see that everything appears in THAT spacious awareness. - There is nothing that can appear anywhere other than in awareness.

Everything you see is actually awareness appearing as this and that - and 'you' cannot separate what you see from what is truly seeing. - Awareness is SEEING. - Awareness is also appearing as every thing. - This is obvious but thinking about it makes it seem complex. - It is thought that appears to be complex. - We take the concept to be real and get into trouble.

There is no separation anywhere - and so there cannot be any separation between these two aspects of awareness. - What you are APPEARS to be an individual, yet when you investigate it, you find nothing of any substance except the apparent substance of experienc-ING - which may appear to you as a like dimensionless membrane between these aspects - awareness and 'things'. - You and the world. - But are you separate from any of the elements, air, water, earth, fire (the body is warm from the inner fire) or space?

The body is a living vehicle which appears to be a host for awareness - yet it is nothing but awareness.

One can sense the living force pulsating therein - Because there is awareness of that life force, it means that what you are is even prior to that.

When that single cell divided after fertilization there was no true separation - it was totally happening within a vast integrated wholeness - No Boundary anywhere.

The world cannot appear unless what you are is there first - yet the world is nothing but the immediacy of THAT appearing as OTHER - What is truly One - appears as multiplicity.

These links below takes you to 2 video clips of Gilbert speaking recently at Bob Adamson's meetings.

Many popular teachers rely on this idea of a future deliverance. - Their whole teaching falls to pieces without it. - They are convinced that they are enlightened and they are shamelessly promoting that IDEA because it sucks people in, in droves. - It is only an idea - a popular one - but just because it is popular does not mean it is true. - People believe all kinds of nonsense, things that have no actuality at all. - The idea of a separate enlightened being is totally erroneous and should be treated as such. - No harm done to anyone. - Some teachers believe that they have improved the age old teaching because they themselves are so popular - The reason that they are popular is because their teaching indulges the imagination and allows the seeker to stay bound to concepts about the future and 'doing' something to 'get there'.

- It does seem that the courage to cut away all the bullshit in one's life is not a popular way to go.

What is so refreshing about Bob Adamson's 'teaching' is that he tells it straight - he says that it is not for the (specialized) few, as has been promoted by almost all modern teachers one can think of - It is actually the reverse -THIS is everyone's RIGHT. - Everyone is THAT.

Why is it so hard to realize this? Isn't it simply because we have ignored our true nature? - the simple message is not some protracted practice that drags out into years of frustration and self pretense - It is very simple: Investigate - Take a good look - follow what is indicated and SEE for yourself.

An email to Gilbert -

Watched your second you-tube video - yes, upon really seeing – in the looking, it is clear that awareness is always still and everything appears to happen/move within it - and awareness is not affected by anything that happens - remains still - almost solid yet spacious. - Regarding your previous e-mail - even though I can see that "I" exist only as thought, habit, felt sense - I am still holding on to the concept that someday I will not identify with this me – good - sometimes just saying it things shift. -

Thoughts/feelings stickiness shifting - I did have about a ten minute stickiness but it disappeared with laughter at a thought/direct looking. -In gratitude and love, S.

- The thought that there is someone holding onto a 'future time' when there will be no identification is just a thought - the same identification - drop it !- the energy of belief keeps it going - there is only this moment - and in dropping thought - which is easy to do - one is HOME – Instantly! - The idea that I am not THAT HOME BASE - is just an erroneous belief - it only seems to have substance because it is an old habit of thinking - and it has been 'believed in' for so long - seemingly reinforced year after year since childhood.

That is why we must see through it a few times - each time the hold is loosened.
SEEING is always happening - it is the potency of Awareness - KNOWING and it is and can only ever be THIS immediacy.
It is here right now, complete in its pure functioning - it is THAT which imparts all qualities, 'real' or simply imagined - qualities imparted to 'things' that appear in the mind.
You ARE that pure functioning - that living essence.
The mind appears as a 'wanting' a wanting to make what you truly are into a concept, a 'something' - something 'objective' so it can claim it and hold onto it - but it always fails - because THAT 'something' is actually 'no thing'.
Not nothing ! - No Thing - That is why the Gita says: The sword can't cut it.....the wind can't dry it.....water can't drown it....and fire can't burn it.......It is space-like awareness and THAT contains all of the elements including what we call 'mind'.

I see from your emails over recent times - that things are clearing away - it is a sign that all is well - and this you (will) know without a doubt - that 'happens' as the space of awareness 'seemingly' opens out into spaciousness - which it already is (openness itself) - so it is the mind content that appears to have more space around it – the mind is less cluttered – the body is less engaged with reactions to thoughts - each thought appears in space - and they are obvious, yet they are not seen at all - just like space itself - we see it yet we cannot truly say that we do actually see it - because it is no thing. - Warm regards - Gilbert.

Note to the reader:

If there is still some doubt there, then examine the following points.

Have you unknowingly been misled by a pretentious 'enlightened being'? - Because you have innocently believed what you have been encouraged to take on board? - Does that message imply that you have not arrived yet? - That it is going to take some time before you will emerge from a dream. - Does the teacher say "Stand up and walk out of your dream?" I say bollocks!

There is 'no one' that is 'in a dream' and there is 'no one' that can 'walk out' of a dream. - It is just a con job of the most insidious nature. - Wakefulness is right here and now - obvious and overlooked - trampled on by common concepts - that 'I am not there yet'. - It takes no time to see this - seeing is immediate. - Concepts do not obscure awareness - believing that they do is just a concept - wakefulness is and must be what you are.

Because of these teachers of erroneous information, the main points of what is true keeps being overlooked - and that point is this:

Understanding Non Duality is absolutely simple.

There can be nothing that is simpler than Non Duality.

Who 'you think you are' can never ‘come into’ or ‘become’ this non dual understanding.

That belief, that ‘appearance’ in mind is only ‘content’ – it has no understanding and can never have any understanding whatsoever. – It only ‘appears IN or ON Awareness’ as ‘a translation’ of perceptions in mind, appearing as, as words, images, thoughts, concepts and ideas. – We say ‘I understand’ or even ‘I am an enlightened being’.

Such things are really misunderstanding. – It is nothing but dualistic notions – an ‘I’ that is ‘enlightened’ or ‘understands’. - Some 'I' has ownership of 'a state of mind'. - These teachers say that they have woken you up and that they will teach you HOW to live an enlightened life and also have 'enlightened relationships'. - Oh dear! - Poor misguided 'teachers'. - The 'school fees' should be refunded. - No harm done - it is ALL in appearance only. - There is no one to be misguided - is it fortunate? - For whom?

The common appearance in spiritual circles is the gathering of seekers around a teacher, a guru, who is believed to be ‘special’ and the atmosphere is one of adoration and devotion etc. – These teachers commonly portray themselves as being Non Duality Teachers. – They even say the Non Dual classic lines: ‘there is no teacher’. – What the common ‘seeker’ misses is the fact that this realm of adoring ‘someone’ is the old ‘worshiping an idol’ - the golden calf syndrome, which the symbolism in the story of Moses points at.

Everyone takes the story with a grain of salt, as a quaint story, overlooking the deep significance of what it potentially reveals. – We ignore the obvious and clear living evidence of our own nature and pay homage to images, objects and ideas in the mind. – That is the bondage of self. – Unwittingly these teachers encourage this adoration only because they have not seen their own vanity, which laps up all the attention. – It is all indulgence in ‘self-image’ and their pointing at what is true is nothing but impotency. – Why? - Because they themselves are nestled in that bondage of self and so they cannot do anything but speak like a parrot and emulate whatever they have imitated or gleaned from the ‘teachings’ of others.

Some readers imagine that I have an issue with these teachers and that I am not spiritual, too blunt and without feelings. – It is not so. – What I SEE in these teachers is that they are like ‘sign posts’ that actually ‘point away’ from what is the Obvious and Immediate Truth. - The imagined ‘entity’ of a seeker indulges in self-preening and imitation and all manner of internal drama and contrived notions about this ‘entity’. – This can never be what one truly IS. – It is not the authentic natural state of awareness that everyone IS.

The emptiness of that bondage of self is not recognized – because the mind is engaged in ‘stories’.

The naked clear evidence of simple presence may ‘appear’ to be devastating to a ‘self-image’ and so what is clearly obvious, without a thought, is foregone, simply because one is not willing to face what is true – and that not wanting to face reality is a realm of imaginary ‘things’ woven around a ‘self-center’ which has no existence at all.

The guru or teacher is only a ‘sign post’. – An accurate sign post, one that points you directly back to what you truly are is what is necessary – but only necessary until what needs to be seen, is seen.

Such SEEING is not going to take years, months, days or even hours. – It is already happening. – The subtlety of recognizing what you truly are is not in the mind as such - not ‘in time’ - it is the essence that you are. – It is in the very nature of awareness – don’t look for a ‘thing’ – it is not an objective ‘thing’ – it is THAT which is SEEING right now. - How could a thought, concept or an idea bind you? - They are all empty, ephemeral appearances. - Contemplate that. Have you ever seen a thought? - Truly? - Do they weigh anything? - Yet we beat ourselves up with thoughts - how ridiculous it all is?
Investigate what you are and stop pretending to be what you are not.
How many 'steps' does it take to arrive at what you truly are? - Surely NONE.



SEEING is happening - but where to look?

Why should I be concerned that 'seekers' are being mislead by erroneous spiritual stories? - I have seen through them all. - I am free of all that nonsense.
Belief is completely transcended by knowing. - That is not some acquisition - it is the nature of what I am - and That is this true existence which does not change.
You can discover this for yourself - I can only 'point' as to where to look.
Concepts are concepts. - God is invisible - what you are is also invisible. - God's body is the universe, the immediate expression of his 'grace'.
'Your body' is the immediate expression of an 'instrument' of being - through which cognition appears to be presented to the mind - yet the 'self', just like 'God' remains invisible and beyond all such transient motions. - What God is there if you do not think about it? - Is it, he or she, just a concept in your own mind - common mind - ideas handed onto you by others?
Left to your own devices, would you conceive of such a concept as God?

The Oneness of all things is beyond all concepts, including the concept of God.
Oneness embraces all, without differentiation and yet differentiation 'appears' within oneness.

Contemplate the following: - Knowing is not a concept.
Awareness is not a concept. - They appear as concepts but the concept is NOT what it re-presents.
The conceptual spiritual 'steps in time' are an illusion and the practitioner is also a fiction.
There is no escape from a prison that does not exist.
There is no prison, there is no prisoner, except in the deviated mind with its erroneous belief.
All there is, is THIS immediacy. - How can you not know that?
The immediate function of knowing is IT - even the belief in erroneous concepts depends on it - they are just no necessary.
Slipping into beliefs about changing the world into a better place is premature - get to the first principle and 'be the knowing' - be this knowing that cannot be altered by a concept - then one can be the action in the world - without that all you can be is re-action and that is conflict. - The world already has enough of that.
In bringing the mind back to THIS immediate presence-awareness and in cutting away those 'old concepts', so the pure function of seeing-knowing has a chance to penetrate, permeate the dualistic mind and so it renders the 'drama' of apparent twoness into an impotent play of elements - and so one realizes that I am the harmonizing factor and the source of it all.
Do you have a choice?
Believing in the stories of time and a future deliverance is a sloppy way to live and it is unsatisfying. - But who cares?
You cannot get behind that knowing, that immediacy of knowing. - No concept can 'go there' - Nothing can 'appear there' because it is empty, clear and obviously full of knowing - is it not obvious that that is where you truly are? - You ARE the Knowing - how could you not not be THAT?
Non-conceptual awareness. - Knowing, immediate knowing cuts through all concpets, all that is known. - Have a look - see for yourself.

Response to above:
Gilbert, Potent post on your site - this sentence was like a sutra - "Belief is completely transcended by knowing." - Excellent - Confirmation in words of what is known 'here' - Regards - R.

Note: There is an ancient story about the wizard/shepherd, who hypnotises his flock of sheep, because they had cottoned onto the fact that he was killing one of them for food every few days, so some of them were escaping. - He 'suggests' to them, through hypnosis, that they are 'free' and need only 'do what he indicates'.
You will see in that, whatever you see and that will belong to the mind, while 'pure seeing' remains timelessly beyond the 'seen' and the 'seer'.
There is a simplicity to your existence that is subtly overlooked - it is the fact that you remain here in this so-called 'now', while everything else, without exception is appearing and disappearing consistently. - In attaching ones self to anything, a concept or object, an image or an idea, that attachment will be dissolved 'at some point' and one will still be present and aware.
Knowing that is the simplicity of being just as one is.
Knowing is in being - not in the mind.



Can you enter into that clear space from which thoughts emerge?

You are THAT which is SEEING....THAT which is KNOWING - how could it be otherwise?
The natural state is 'your' authenticity - it is unquestionable.
Nothing can be added to THAT and nothing can be taken away.
Awareness is non dual - unmediated knowing - it is timeless - it does not come and go.
Mind is time - mind is thought, concept, image etc, and each appearance in mind, whether it be a concept, an idea, a thought or a state, a mood or whatever, it will disappear.
The clear and empty nature of mind is nothing but awareness itself. - So why not call it awareness. - There is no mind apart from its apparent contents and all of that is insubstantial since it all vanishes without a trace. - Yet isn't it thought that we bind ourselves up in?
What is the basis of the bondage of self? - Belief in erroneous details.
Who is bound up in ideas?
Ideas can appear to be creative and they can appear to be destructive.
Someone has a creative idea and puts a patent on it - then ends up in a court case because someone else had the same idea.
Ha! - People don't have ideas! - A 'person' is an idea. - All thoughts, ideas and concepts just appear on awareness. - Do you imagine that you know where they come from?
Can you enter into that space where they emerge from?
I bet that you have never looked into that space thoroughly - because it scares the pants off you. - You much prefer to stay this side of it, bound into conceptual realms of duality.
So much fear over nothing.
What could be back there in that clear space of direct cognition?
It is your own true nature. - Nothing to be afraid of.
You 'go there' every night in deep sleep.
But SEE this - The 'space of knowing' is NOT divided at all - this side and that side is actually one all inclusive wholeness and its apparent 'axis' is yourself.
The 'axis' of the mind is fluctuating all over the place, through identification with anything and everything.
The 'axis' of mind and the 'axis' of being can align themselves and a new way of being comes into play. - (This revelation will be explained more fully in a new book, which is planned to be finished in a month or two.)
Watch the mind, watch what it is telling you and know that you are not in that 'stuff'.
It is chattering away with its old routine - just watch it, catch it at its game. - Be the conscious presence.
The mind stuff has no power or independent nature - you are the awareness of it - 'it' is not aware of you.
Just watch the mind, as often as possible.
So simple, so effective - yet seekers want elaborate practices and complex methods, plus a hero to worship and to show the way.
Just be awake to 'what IS' and see through what is not.



Just Do it ! - Investigate.

The first knowing is the knowing that you are.

The first seeing is clear empty space, which is not located in any particular place – yet even in that space between the lens of the eye and the retina, there is a clear substance in a clear space.

The eye is not clogged up with all the previously 'seen'. - The mind is not clogged up with the previous content.

The first hearing is silence – all sound appears within a vast silence, a silence we do not even contemplate. - That is not clogged up with any thing. - All phenomena appear and disappears, just like all thoughts appear and disappear - all sound, sights, everything - same equation.
– Even in a very large noisy city, if you go up to the 40th floor of an apartment building, all that noise is reduced to a mild hum.

- Silence, stillness, engulfs those vibrations as it does to all vibrations. - The so-called 'Big Bang' that some scientists insist upon would be deafening today if it were not for the overpowering presence of Silence. - The great cathedrals in Europe have a vastness and silence, which is an integral part of the architecture. - The architecture of all thought patterns appear in a clear space of knowing presence just like a cathedral appeared in a medieval meadow. - (Of course, I am story telling, speaking in the relativity of time)
The cathedral first appeared as a concept in 'someone's mind', and then it was acted upon.
- The original architect did not live to see the finished cathedral. - Most of those cathedrals took many generations to complete. - Some of them have crumbled and some are still well preserved - they all will disappear. - Their (apparent) duration is presently here, just like the planet and all that appears presently on it. - Some say that when you look at the stars, you are seeing the past. - That theory is 'mind content' - The distance between two thoughts is the same as the distance between two galaxies.

But let's leave that contentious stuff and get back to the point at hand.

– Go up above the apartment building, further into the sky, in a comfortable basket beneath a large balloon and one can easily perceive that all the noise of this planetary world is not even registering at all.
One may feel an exquisite freedom up there away from all the drama and fuss of our usual ‘daily life’.
What the ‘seeker’ is not aware of is that the Ultimate Freedom is simply this clear wakefulness, this pure knowing, which is closer to you than anything you 'own'. - It is never truly weighed down, nor attached to anything that appears in its ‘field’.
– Knowledge does not compound into anything other than knowing.
In this clear space of knowing, everything is clear and obvious for what it is, without the need of thought to explain or translate it into the conceptual realm. - A spelling mistake registers instantly and a brief interruption of the mind process happens. - If it is not dwelt upon, then no problem takes hold of the mind. - Even if this conceptual realm is full of activity, that space of knowing remains clear and ever available. - The next spelling mistake is clear and obveous!
At some point you may be seemingly caught up in the deepest concerns about imaginary things and suddenly a knock at the door cuts through it that mind stuff. - You go to the door. - Anticipation leaps into the scene and you wonder who is knocking.

- The ACTUALITY is not touched or altered by any of your expectations and anticipations - whoever is beyond the door is the actual, not the expected. - It may be who you expect but your expectation is only mind content. - The confirmation arrives with the actuality of seeing - who it is.

- These points may seem trivial - but are they really?

'The Actual' is 'all inclusive' - it includes all the apparent changes that are 'appearing' - 'appearing to happen'.

Basically you are the knowing of it all - whatever the case may be.

- 'What is' - is what is.
AND – The essence of all knowledge is knowing.

To know what is true you must be what is true.

The pure knowing that you are is pure existence. – Existence is non dual.
Now a lot of fuss is made about spiritual persons who have realized themselves.
I can tell you that there is no way that you can detect such an individual in their appearance. – What you so often see is ‘behavior’. – They have learned how to behave in a ‘holy way’ and that is total bullshit.

- The external guru is 'at best' (as the phenomenal aspect) a living sign post that points you immediately and directly back to your own heart essence. - Essence to essence.

The recently released CD's "Gentle Reminders" and "From the Armchair" are excellent.

Order them from Bob's - iinet - website. - A link to it is on Bob's Page on the Shining through the mind website.



Emptiness speaks to Emptiness - (revised note)

“The lamp of the body is the eye:
if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light”. N.T. - Mathew 6.22

The light by which you see and know - is non-conceptual awareness.

Here below is a revised note written when I started this blog:

Emptiness speaks to Emptiness.

As long as you believe that there is a solid 'someone' who is going to become enlightened in some future time, then a subtle shroud of ignorance clouds the mind.
'When' this someone is seen as a transparency, a pattern appearing within this direct seeing (that I am), then it is known in an unmediated way as an appearance in the knowing presence that I am and so 'it' is known directly and immediately that I am not this appearance-this pattern of belief commonly called 'me'.
'Then', which can only ever be 'this immediacy' of now, this habitual belief pattern has already lost its hold in the mind. - Even so, it is just belief and has no real hold at all.
It re-appears due to its long-standing 'pattern of recurrence' yet its roots have been cut or loosened and with continued effortless seeing, it will be seen through and it will appear to evaporate, taking with it the afflictive identification of that habitual belief in being a limited personality.
Paradoxically for the mind, there is 'no one' making any effort to bring about this freedom. – SEEING is already happening.
It truly is here already. - Pure Seeing is from beyond the instrument of seeing, a clear space of freedom itself and is not limited by the minds interpretations, which are only content of mind, acquired mind – memory or translations of whatever has appeared in that seeing.
In looking into things carefully, one can see clearly that all of our repeating referencing to a self-center are just a series of appearances in the clear and empty nature of mind.
Whatever happens - seeing is still happening.
The question of who sees and who does not see is an invalid question.
This is a profound and simple fact and its cutting profundity is missed by just about everyone. – There is no one actually there in the pure cognition – This will never be palatable information for the mind of habitual notions.
The essential nature of seeing is not easily expressed in words.
In reading these words, seeing is happening. – What the mind makes from it is not the seeing – these Samskara, these impressions are already mind content.
We imagine that we need to get behind the impressions – get to the understanding – but ‘who’ is that? – You are already beyond the mind content, that is why it is seen and known.
Seeing is direct always. - If someone threw a ball at you, you would duck or catch it without having to think about it.
The point I am making is that 'Seeing is happening'.
The more words I use to ‘get that over’ the less likely the message works – no harm done.
The minds interpretations where the psychology (me) appears to get caught - thinking that these conceptual identifications are actually what I am and that those concepts are doing the seeing and knowing. - Its just not so!
It is extremely subtle for many of us yet so obvious it is not suspected at all.
Those who argue against such obviousness have an invested interest in a particular system of belief and it is this belief that forms the grounds for their argument.
All of it is simply content of mind! - Content of mind is not what you are.
Freedom is freedom is freedom.
It appears as a continual natural release from the past events and memories, even from a moment ago. – Seeing is immediate.
What psychological 'stand' can be taken in the face of the empty nature of unmediated direct pure cognition?
This simple profundity remains incontestable due to its simplicity – its empty nature.
In the pure space of seeing, of direct knowing, this emptiness is full of presence.
Habitual grasping attitudes and states of mind all come and go in this space of knowing that you are.
The belief in being a 'someone' also appears and disappears. - This can be seen clearly by paying a little more attention to what is happening. - The habit is to stay stuck in an attitude, within the bounds of the old habitual views and those stale states of mind. – What we unwittingly sacrifice, by not being mindfully present to what is happening, is we sacrifice the freshness of ‘this moment’ of livingness, in exchange for yesterdays impressions, memories or views – Samskaras – and that is the dead past!
DO you see that? - Now?
When can you see anything except now?
'Who' is it that can't see this obviousness?
Cast aside the old mindset and just see – know – it is subtle and it is not the seer or the seen – it is simply SEEING.
It cannot be denied – even in the blind or visually impaired, seeing is happening but not in the sense that we ‘link’ it with.
(I doubt many will agree on that – but I do not give that fact any credence)
The point is: Seeing IS happening!
A mind pattern has no ability to see or know anything at all.
The pure functions are apparently borrowed by mind patterns, which are simply beliefs in some 'entity' that is believed to be able to 'see and know'.
It is simply not so.
An open view, which clearly sees this, is already transcendent to the content of mind.
Do you really believe that you leave this moment of direct cognition?
Where do you go when you leave this moment of actuality?
Direct cognition is all there is and ever is!
This profundity confounds the intellect.
The seeker who has invested so much in the process of liberation without results still resists the clear evidence of the obvious.
Why? Simply because it can't SEE or KNOW anything! It is just a PATTERN.
Does the pattern on your kitchen tablecloth have a choice?
Can it 'do' anything? - Beyond all patterns, this actuality of knowing right now is an open view. It is already presently here (for you) and cannot be negated. - It only seemingly is cluttered by these passing visitors in the mind. - They come, they go.
Show me one that has stayed.
Are you one of these transient visitors? - or are you present and aware of all that comes and goes? There is no choice.
You cannot stop seeing or knowing. When the dream stops you remain.
There is awareness. - It is not 'something', which you can claim to be yours.
Where would the 'you' be without it? Openness remains no matter what appears or disappears. - You will not find teachers of what I am pointing out. - It cannot be taught.
IT IS the actuality (for all concerned). - All is empty. - Where are the traces of the past?
They are present in this actuality yet they are nothing but patterns of energy appearing in the knowing presence that you are.
Show me one that it not in your direct cognition!
You are free right now and 'seeing-knowing' are spontaneously happening.
Where will you go from here?
Emptiness speaks to emptiness.

Email received in response to the above note:
Dear Gilbert, I was just blown away by your recent website column on Emptiness.
Beautiful in its directness, clarity and simplicity. - You really speak to and from my Heart.
It thrilled me because I write about and am devoted to this same absolute openness, emptiness, vacancy, nothingness. - Not personal, not changeable, but absolute and constant - one essence appearing as 'many'.
At some point it dawned that 'openness' was (and is) not a personal quality, at all really.
It was (IS) an already universal condition of existence.
You don't need to try to be open. - Openness is already a fact of existence - without the openness of space, where would the universe appear?
Boundless space. - What a relief to see there is no need to try to be open - it is already the situation. - Then you wrote about the presence which occupies the openness.
Also changeless, indivisible, absolute. - This is the aliveness, the imperishable well-being we are. - Another aspect of This that we are that I seem to come to when I get right down to writing or speaking about the essence of it is Wholeness or Completeness.
Here I am sometimes struck speechless. - Everything is held within this Wholeness that You Are/I Am. - The imperishable changeless energy in motion. Where is any destruction or creation here? It is eternal substance in motion within our changeless Wholeness - - In this Wholeness I don't see any foundation for anything other than the (immediate) express-ing of this Wholeness.

- Love, Bill



Complete Fabrication? - For Whom?

Note 1:
There is an odd thing that is kind of inexplicable and it is this:
A most profound expression in words can be read many times and the depths of its profundity are missed over and over. - Then ‘one day’ it just ‘clicks’ revealing something not seen before.
As I worked on the transcriptions of tapes of Bob Adamson’s meetings years ago many such revelations happened. – So many of us skim over the surface and say ‘Oh yes, I understand that’. – We miss the essential impact of direct pointing.
Read Bob’s website notes and quotes – read them until they ‘click’.
If you think at any point that you totally understand what he is pointing out and that the mystery is solved, then you probably are just fooling yourself all over again.
You will feel a ‘quickening’ in your bones and a tingle in your atmosphere, if his pointers have ‘clicked in’ and a vista of the miraculous wonder of existence will fill you up with vivid living impressions that then pulse through your body. - I am not exaggerating! - I still feel it after seven years, when I read his pointers.
Part of my ‘self-appointed work’ – is to spread the word about Bob and his ‘pointers’.
Watch some of the video clips of him – go to the Bob Adamson page on my website for the links to sailorbob.net

2. One of the most misleading beliefs is that there is some condition that is remotely acquirable – attainable for the ‘spiritual person’.
– By following the directions of a guru or teacher, it is believed that ‘I will get there’. – The basic misnomer is not recognized.
That postulated future of attainment is just a concept, a tantalizing concept but ‘concept’ it is. – That glorified ‘enlightenment’ is drooled about, fantasized about and a wondrous image is built up in the mind.
– Added to this is the ‘example’ that the guru presents himself as – ‘I am enlightened - follow me’. – All this fantasy teases the mind and the fact that it is all fantasy is not recognized – in fact the guru keeps those images alive by presenting lots of new information to maintain those images in mind.
– If the gurus followers were to see the game, they may even get violent and attack the guru because of his ‘lies’.
– But they do not see the game and the few that do, just leave.
– It is a conundrum because who can you trust?
- Who is going to inform you of what is true?
Well, you have ignored what is true in yourself for so long, it seems that that ignoring has become a thick barrier. – The fact is that it is only a thin and flimsy film of conceptual separation. – As a hypnotized and mechanical creature, nothing much will transpire except patterns of repetition.
– As a conscious presence the equation is radically different.
The only way out of that self-hypnosis is to investigate the ‘centre icon’ of that realm of misunderstanding - the ‘me’ and that ‘me’ is the false ‘King’.
The true essence is the rightful sovereign.
A resonation in that true essence dissolves the erroneous beliefs.

Note 3:
So, who are you and what are you looking for?
Someone that knows in an absolute way what you want to know?
Someone who is perfect, someone to look up to? - Someone to imitate?
A perfect mirror?
Someone to tell you that you are okay?
Someone to wipe away all that hurt and self denial?
Someone to bring you completely into the now?
Do you imagine that the teachings on Non Duality can answer all these questions?
The questions are dualistic by their very nature.
The one you look for is and can only be yourself.
But who is looking for that self?
Surely the immediate function of seeing is registering in that space that can only be the self? - So the looking for the self is somehow a diverse movement in the mind or a reflection in the mind.
Could it simply be a fixation, an identification in the ‘mind content’ that is an imagination that ‘it’ is looking for the self?
Can you see the irony of it all?
No matter how coarse or refined that self-image is, it is only an image.
In the pure function of seeing, there is no such entity.
Every spiritual person you know of, no matter how famous or insignificant, that image is a fallacy and there are no exceptions whatsoever.
Your own presence is the only thing that you can directly know as being free of images. – There may be images that appear in the mind about ‘presence’ but 'an image' is not the real, no matter how sacred you believe it is.
Without that presence, no images could appear at all, so it is primary, just like awareness is primary. – Nothing can be known without the ‘knowing’ – which is awareness itself.
As I have pointed out many times, the essence of all knowledge is ‘knowing’.
The most sacred or profound book is just paper and ink and one could say that without the touch of ‘knowing’, it is not even that.
What I am telling now is so profound and yet so simple, it cannot be accepted by any intellectual, because it demolishes the mind’s matrix of conditioning and identification.
For the normal ‘person’, the intellect must protect its own history. – It is convinced that some progression has happened and that one is knowledgeable etc.
What the spiritual practitioner does not realize is that all those beliefs are just images, words and experiences and each and every one has no substantiality in the immediate evidence of presence awareness. – They are all simply ‘content of mind’.
Until you see that you are the unchanging 'knowing presence' of all the changing content of mind - then what use is your search? - All you find is more and more content in mind to identify with and that is an endless realm of unfolding.

The wondrous ‘thing’ that everyone makes a big deal out of is ‘enlightenment’.
It is made out to be something that is mostly unattainable.
That is a complete fabrication and the apparent cause of so much misunderstanding.
This moment of seeing and knowing is illuminated, prior to what the mind translates it as and that light of ‘seeing-knowing’ is it – it is in every sentient being – it is just ignored.
–The habitual preference in mind is to go with the content, what the mind is telling us and the fact is that what the mind is telling us is ALL changeful mind content and nothing other than that.
Right NOW is the expression of the absolute - just as it is - In words it is always 'present tense' in its verbalized expression.

The essence of THIS moment, the ONLY moment is now and 'now' IS ‘knowing’ - (Now-ing).
The word 'moment' implies 'time' but it also implies this immediacy which is beyond time.

This essential fact of 'One Moment' has been realized here without the slightest doubt to obscure that.
By writing and talking about these facts, it does seem to be a possibility that another may recognize something but there is no guarantee.
If for some reason, the mind empties itself for a few moments, a very different ‘view’ is present – one that does not include an identified fixation of being an entity.
If such a moment happens, the minds habit is to interpret that moment by adding references to it and weaving the minds meaning around it – and so the essential value of the insight is once again covered over.
Is it true - is awareness ever covered?
Awareness is primary - so it is impossible that anything - any thing could ever cover it - everything is seen.
Does the search go on?

How could that which is looking for itself, ever find itself?
Has it ever been lost?
How could words ever express that which is the source of those same words?
Isn’t it the same equation?
In the attachment to words, there is an apparent ‘getting lost’.
In the attachment to the instrument of inquiry, is there a subtle obscuring of what is actually a clean and clear view?
Do the characters in a projected movie drama ever make their way back past the celluloid into the light that projects the images?
That example is equivalent to the seeker trying to find the source.
This is the obviousness that is consistently overlooked by the seeker. – That is quite natural because the fact is that that seeker is nothing but a pattern of belief. – The courage to go beyond that pattern is the nature of what is 'actual' - real, and that movement of courage appears as a negation of the fixation, the mis-identification with the patterns it appears as.
– Sometimes 'a shock' an unexpected event will cut away that identification (for a short time).
The 'actual' reveals itself as the relative attachment in mind clears away.
– To approach the source (of self) while still being identified will ‘cause’ a panic to arise and it appears that few will get past that fear. – The fact is that there is no one actually in that pattern of belief but that news may itself cause a grasping panic.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj says: “There are no customers for this knowledge”.
The popular spiritual teachings give comfort to that self centred-ness and so they avoid the true situation. – That is why they are popular – plenty of customers.
Yet this clear and present awareness is totally available to anyone.
At one point, Bob suggested that I could publish my notes and added that it would show that anyone can ‘get this’. – The point being that I was and am not anyone with any special circumstances. – I was born in a remote place and had a fairly menial education. – My family background is basic working class, nothing special. – My command of the English language was passable – spelling was horrendous but getting better thanks to ‘spell check’.
Now there are some who would say that all my notes are just nonsense. – However, I get many emails of gratitude. – My intellectual friends would say that there are always people out there stupid and gullible enough to believe anything. – I might add that those friends are the ones that display ‘being stuck’ in the mind more prominently than others.
I will say this: There is no compulsory form that one must take on to share this knowledge, being a guru or teacher for instance.
What I observe is that many of these gurus actually keep the seekers bound up in stories. – Their devotees will protect that guru because they have made him into a ‘god’. – It would be a remarkable thing for any such guru to remain free of distortion in mind, while engaging in such an arrangement. – The photos I have seen of these gurus show very obvious signs of conceit. - I will not name them simply because of a preference, I am tired of emails from wounded egos.
It is the easiest thing in the world to piss off spiritual seekers. – Their whole world is based on erroneous beliefs. – Life itself – which is reality, is challenging erroneous beliefs consistently. – The maintenance of all those fabricated beliefs is a fulltime job for the mind. – When that internal dramatic work is given up, a relaxation happens and the ease of effortless living flows naturally.
Intelligence is within and behind all the activities.
There is no choice maker but there is a choice – a living and intelligent choice – simply to be what you are – present and aware.
Is it all so unbearable?



'Who' is going to cross over to 'where'?

Hi - My name is R........, I hope you'll take a moment to read this and maybe offer a few words/pointers.

I've been reading a lot of your writings and they are some of the clearest I've read.
- I've been studying Eastern Philosophies since I was about 12 and for the past couple of years I've been reading Advaita Vedanta through Nisargadatta, Stephen Wolinsky, John Wheeler and a few others.

I feel I have a pretty good understanding of what all this is about -basically I am awareness and have always been. - The world presented to me through the senses is not what it appears; in fact it is emptiness which appears solid. - I understand on the level of the mind that all appears in this awareness and awareness is not affected by the manifest world. - In fact, I've recently partially and sort of experientially gotten that the world moves, not I. -It is just so backward to what the ordinary view of the world is that I just don't trust it.

That's where I'm at a stopping point. - I "know" this world isn't what it seems, I seem to have a lessening of attachment to this manifest world.
But I've not noticed a realization or dropping off of the sense of I.
It's definitely still there.

I'm beginning to sort of experientially feel that the body is acting on its own; thoughts are appearing out of nowhere, not something I'm doing.
Is this "movement" a natural and gradual process that helps the sense of I fall away or am I off course somehow?

Once again, I've decided to attempt to contact you because I've found what you've written to speak very clearly to me. - I've found Nisargadatta to be a sort of hammer that hits you in the head over and over, which is very necessary. - I've found your writing to be more of a knife which cuts deep. -The problem is I don't feel I've crossed over to the point where I'm experientially getting that which I always have been. - I'm still, for the most part, relating to the world in which this body lives, acts and suffers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. - R......

Gilbert's Reply:

'Who' is going to cross over to 'where'?

See it is all just concepts.

Drop the concepts and what is left?

Naked Presence.

You are that.

R's response:
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. - I'm sure you get a lot of emails.
When I boil it all down and just ask myself "What am I?” - I find I have no answer. - Of course I can say - this body, a father, a network engineer, an American - but I know these are all just my outward "appearances", what I've come to be. - This is all I can say.
I find that this question delineates the outside from the inside - the "outside" answers are all obvious. - The "inside" is what my mind doesn't seem to be able to see. - I don't understand what I'm supposed to see or answer to the question "what am I?" other than that which appears as "my" life.
The mind seems to give up or get frustrated at that which is apparently not obviously there. What comes to me is - the mind is trying to objectify that which is inherently subjective. - But the door or the key, "What am I?" just seems to be another concept.
Something that immediately drew me to your words was "the Absolute Moment" or "the Timeless Moment." - I can somehow feel that this is true, that this moment is the same moment as the first moment, and the contents of that moment are changing but the moment doesn't. - In other words, there is no past or future, things aren't rolling to the past with the future coming
soon. - It's all still the same moment. - I get that somehow.
If "I" or this mind can't see it or experience it, how is it known?
- How can "awareness" know itself without the mind being involved?
Once again, I greatly appreciate your time and willingness to help. - R.

When you ask 'what am I?' the concept will slide away eventually and what is left is 'seeing' - 'naked seeing' - THAT is your true nature - presence awareness.
-'You' cannot experience ‘what you are’ – not as an objective ‘thing’.
You are ‘the experiencing’ which is ceaselessly present. - It does NOT come and go - concepts about it come and go and because we identify with them all, it seems that we are those 'things'.
The mind will keep trying to objectify even those subtle insights that come.
Whatever comes, it must surely go. - Watch them go and know that you are never any of them.
You are that which never budges - but you will never know it - because you are it and the mind can only re-cognize 'things' by comparisons. (mind content is known by what?)
Everything is THAT - I am THAT - no difference.
So the clear and present evidence that I am looking for is clear and obvious and yet it does not move - so it remains a mystery for the mind - the mind will not sit still - and 'Gilbert' goes about whatever that pattern is seemingly engaged in.
What of it is real?--ALL of IT--and none of it.
This Moment is the Absolute Moment.
Yes! - THIS moment - seemingly fragmented into time lines and space patterns.

Where does it all APPEAR?
Nowhere else than in that clear and empty space of KNOWING presence that you ARE.
How do I know this and why am I so sure of it?
Because Bob Adamson 'pointed' this 'body mind' called Gilbert to the non objective fact of 'presence awareness'.
The world will not disappear--as long as the body is there; there will be at least a rudimentary 'identity' called 'I'.
It is a servant--and a practical application tool--useful in the ordinary sense.
If it takes the role of being a master, then trouble will surround you.
Look into it and see through it--as often as you can--it will become as if translucent, transparent.
It will be seen that it has no power of its own--with no independent nature and is not a separate entity.
Knowing that, it can serve you well. - Not knowing that it all slides into hell or relative realms of suffering.
Be ruthless--do not become like a Buddhist and get attached to all sorts of paraphernalia--and so seemingly become an antithesis of what the Buddha pointed out.
Be ruthless and see into it--over and over. - As Bob simply pointed out to me "Just look - take a look and see" (if what I am telling you is true or not - and I did take a look and the rest is history)
Read Bob's books, or mine if you wish, and get soaked in the 'pointers'.
The mind will start to think along the same lines and then you will start to see the truth of the pointers--not as pointers but as direct evidence in your own experiencING--always present tense when speaking about it and always the primary movement of knowing.
Always present--that is what you ARE.
Everything else--and I mean everything--everything else is an appearance in what you ARE.
As Bob says, start from the fact that you are THAT--that reality of presence--and then everything falls into place--in a split second.
In that split second 'time' collapses and it is known that I have never been in time at all.
Then, later you (may) realize that you are not IN anything--and everything is IN you and it is all equal. - All 'presence', appearing as this and that.
I was 'able' to see what Bob was indicating ('after' my 'clever esoteric attitude' was dropped).
- No one else could do it for me yet it is my own light that sees and Bob made that fact clear to me - it is a mystery. - It is significant that Bob was the only one who did not expect some reverance from me - he just 'pointed' over and over and over again with whatever was necessary - not in some mechanical way - he was (and still is for anyone else) listening to 'where I was coming from' and then 'pointing' beyond that to my true nature.
- All those previous years of absorbing very subtle esoteric teachings - none of it helped to bring me to the understanding I wished for until I met Bob who is uncompromisingly clear and present and his words carry that same clear presence. -
Overwhelming gratitude settles down and equality with the integrity of presence awareness is found to be one's ordinary awareness - no big deal.
To say 'I have realized' what Nisaragadatta and Bob have been pointing to, may sound 'too much' for 'seekers' to accept. - But that sense of presence is not concerned with what others think. - Since that is where they are caught, I can only share through these notes and let these others know that it is not beyond you to simply BE what you ARE.
Read Bob's books. - It is by NO accident that I took the trouble to transcribe some tapes of Bob's meetings to make the first book 'What's wrong with right now?'
There are many good books from the ancient texts that a clear and precise but there is no book like Bob's 1st book, which is in contemporary language with pointers in ordinary language.....
So-so-so potent.....and each pointer delivers you back to that clear and empty space of knowing presence that you ARE.

Warm regards - Gilbert

Âû çäåñü » Ê âîïðîñàì î ñàìîðåàëèçàöèè » Òåêñòû è âèäåî íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå » English texts. (òî, ÷åãî íåò â ïåðåâîäå íà ðóññêèé)